Samza 写入HDFS
samza-hdfs 模块实现了一个 Samza Producer 来写入 HDFS。当前的实现包括一个现成的 HdfsSystemProducer,和三个 HdfsWriterS:一个写入原始字节的消息到SequenceFile 的 BytesWritable 键和值;另一个写入 UTF-8 Strings 到一个 SequenceFile 与 LongWritable 键和 Text 值;最后一个写出 Avro 数据文件,包括自动反映的 POJO 对象的模式。
配置 HdfsSystemProducer
您可以像任何其他 Samza 系统一样配置 HdfsSystemProducer:使用 文件中设置的配置键和值。您可以配置系统生产者以供您使用,StreamTasks 如下所示:
# set the SystemFactory implementation to instantiate HdfsSystemProducer aliased to 'hdfs-clickstream'
# define a serializer/deserializer for the hdfs-clickstream system
# DO NOT define (i.e. comment out) a SerDe when using the AvroDataFileHdfsWriter so it can reflect the schema
# consumer configs not needed for HDFS system, reader is not implemented yet
# Assign a Metrics implementation via a label we defined earlier in the props file
# Assign the implementation class for this system's HdfsWriter
# Set compression type supported by chosen Writer. Only BLOCK compression is supported currently
# AvroDataFileHdfsWriter supports snappy, bzip2, deflate or none (null, anything other than the first three)
# The base dir for HDFS output. The default Bucketer for SequenceFile HdfsWriters
# is currently /BASE/JOB_NAME/DATE_PATH/FILES, where BASE is set below
# Assign the implementation class for the HdfsWriter's Bucketer
# Configure the DATE_PATH the Bucketer will set to bucket output files by day for this job run.
# Optionally set the max output bytes (records for AvroDataFileHdfsWriter) per file.
# A new file will be cut and output continued on the next write call each time this many bytes
# (records for AvroDataFileHdfsWriter) are written.
假设上述配置已经针对同一文件中的其他位置的标签 some-serde-impl 和 some-metrics-impl 标签正确配置了度量标准和序列实现。这些属性中的每一个都具有合理的默认值,因此您可以省略不需要为您的工作运行定制的属性。