
Unity 项目清单

When Unity loads a project, the Unity Package Manager reads the project manifest so that it can compute a list of which packages to retrieve and load. When a user installs or uninstalls a package through the Package Manager window, the Package Manager stores those changes in the project manifest file. The project manifest file manages the list of packages through the dependencies object.

In addition, the project manifest serves as a configuration file for the Package Manager, which uses the manifest to customize the registry URL and register custom registries.

您可以在 Unity 项目根文件夹下的 Packages 文件夹中找到名为 manifest.json 的项目清单文件。与包清单文件类似,项目清单文件使用 JSON(JavaScript 对象表示法)语法。


All properties are optional. However, if your project manifest file does not contain any values, the Package Manager window doesn’t load, and the Package Manager doesn’t load any packages.

Tip: At any time, you can fix any problems with your registry by choosing Reset packages to defaults from the main Unity Help menu. However, be aware that this action resets all changes you made to the dependencies of your project so it is best to do this as a last resort.

JSON 类型 描述
dependencies 对象 Collection of packages required for your project. This includes only direct dependencies (indirect dependencies are listed in package manifests). Each entry maps the package name to the minimum version required for the project:  {  "dependencies": {   "": "2.3.1",   "": "1.0.1-preview.1",    etc.  } }  Specifying a version number indicates that you want the Package Manager to download the package from the package registry (that is, the source of the package is the registry). However, in addition to using versions, you can also specify a path to a local folder or tarball file, or a Git URL.  Note: You do not need to specify embedded packages here because the Package Manager finds them inside your project’s Packages folder and loads them automatically. The Package Manager ignores any entry if there is an embedded package with the same name in its own package manifest.
registry String URL of the main Unity Package Manager registry. This overrides the default registry URL (  Note: If you override the default registry with your own registry, you lose access to the official Unity packages. Instead, if you want to augment the Unity package library with your own private collection of packages, set the scopedRegistries property to use a scoped registry instead.
scopedRegistries 对象数组 指定除了默认注册表之外的自定义注册表。这样允许您托管自己的包。  请参阅范围注册表一节以了解更多详细信息。
testables 字符串数组 Lists the names of packages whose tests you want to load in the Unity Test Framework. For more information, see Adding tests to a package.  Note: You do not need to specify embedded packages here because the Unity Test Framework assumes they are testable by default.
enableLockFile Boolean Enables a lock file to ensure that dependencies are resolved in a deterministic manner. This is set to true by default. For more information, see Using lock files.
resolutionStrategy String Upgrades indirect dependencies based on Semantic Versioning rules. This is set to lowest by default. For more information, see Setting a resolution strategy below.
useSatSolver Boolean Enables the SAT solver-based dependency resolution algorithm. This is set to true by default.  If you set this property to false, the Package Manager uses the deprecated depth-based strategy instead.


  "registry": "",
  "scopedRegistries": [{
    "name": "My internal registry",
    "url": "",
    "scopes": [
  "dependencies": {
    "com.unity.package-1": "1.0.0",
    "com.unity.package-2": "2.0.0",
    "": "3.0.0",
    "": "file:<path>/my_package_folder",
    "": "file:<path>/my_package_tarball.tgz",
    "": "https://my.repository/my-package.git#v1.2.3"
  "enableLockFile": true,
  "resolutionStrategy": "highestMinor",
  "testables": [ "com.unity.package-1", "com.unity.package-2" ]

Setting a resolution strategy

While you can add package versions explicitly to the project manifest to override Unity’s package dependency resolution in order to upgrade indirect dependencies, this is not a very good strategy, for two reasons:

  • It puts more responsibility on the project owner to maintain dependency versions.
  • Over time, you might have dependencies that are not required by the project.

A better approach is to customize how the Package Manager selects indirect dependencies based on Semantic Versioning rules by setting the resolutionStrategy property:

值: 描述:
lowest Do not upgrade indirect dependencies. Instead, it uses exactly the requested version. This is the default mode.
highestPatch Upgrade to the highest version with the same Major and Minor components. For example, with the requested version 1.2.3, this strategy selects the highest version in the range [1.2.3, 1.3.0) (that is, >= 1.2.3 and < 1.3.0).
highestMinor Upgrade to the highest version with the same Major component. For example, with the requested version 1.2.3, this strategy selects the highest version in the range [1.2.3, 2.0.0) (that is, >= 1.2.3 and < 2.0.0).  Note: Version 1.0.0 marks the first stable, production-ready version. Below that, versions 0.X.Y indicate that their API is not yet stable, and successive minor versions might introduce breaking changes. This part of the SemVer specification allows releasing early versions of a package without hampering rapid development. Because of this, when the target version is 0.X.YhighestMinor behaves like highestPatch in order to ensure choosing a backward-compatible version. For example, with the requested version 0.1.3, this strategy selects the highest version in the range [0.1.3,0.2.0).
highest Upgrade to the highest version. For example, with the requested version 1.2.3, this strategy selects the highest version in the range [1.2.3,) (that is, >= 1.2.3 with no upper bound)

Note: These ranges never allow a dependency to jump from a stable release to a preview package.

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