
SpringCloud 生产者

对于生产者,要使用SCM方法,我们可以重用与外部合同相同的机制。我们通过包含git://协议的URL路由Spring Cloud Contract以使用SCM实现。



        <!-- Base class mappings etc. -->

        <!-- We want to pick contracts from a Git repository -->

        <!-- We reuse the contract dependency section to set up the path
        to the folder that contains the contract definitions. In our case the
        path will be /groupId/artifactId/version/contracts -->

        <!-- The contracts mode can't be classpath -->
                <!-- By default we will not push the stubs back to SCM,
                you have to explicitly add it as a goal -->


contracts {
	// We want to pick contracts from a Git repository
	contractDependency {
		stringNotation = "${}:${}:${project.version}"
	We reuse the contract dependency section to set up the path
	to the folder that contains the contract definitions. In our case the
	path will be /groupId/artifactId/version/contracts
	contractRepository {
		repositoryUrl = "git://"
	// The mode can't be classpath
	contractsMode = "REMOTE"
	// Base class mappings etc.

In this scenario we want to publish stubs to SCM whenever
the `publish` task is executed


  • Git项目将被克隆到一个临时目录
  • SCM存根下载器将转到META-INF/groupId/artifactId/version/contracts文件夹以查找合同。例如,对于com.example:foo:1.0.0,路径为META-INF/com.example/foo/1.0.0/contracts
  • 将根据合同生成测试
  • 将根据合同创建存根
  • 测试通过后,存根将在克隆的存储库中提交
  • 最后,将推动该存储库的origin
SpringCloud 协议约定
SpringCloud 生产者,合同存储在本地

三、Spring Cloud Netflix

SpringCloud Hystrix超时和Ribbon客户

SpringCloud 重试失败的请求

五、Spring Cloud Stream

六、SpringCloud Binder实现

SpringCloud 重试RabbitMQ Binder

SpringCloud Dead-Letter队列处理

八、Spring Cloud Sleuth

SpringCloud 当前Span

十二、Spring Cloud for Cloud Foundry

十三、Spring Cloud Contract

Spring Cloud Contract验证程序设置

SrpingCloud Gradle项目

十五、Spring Cloud网关

Spring Cloud 配置路由谓词工厂和网关过滤工厂

Spring Cloud TLS / SSL

Spring Cloud网关配置

SpringCloud 故障排除

十八、Spring Cloud GCP

Spring Cloud GCP Spring资源

Spring Cloud Spring JDBC

Spring Cloud Redis的Cloud Memorystore

Spring Cloud 云身份识别代理(IAP)身份验证


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